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Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens 20ml

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Developed by a physician and homeopath in the 1930s, Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens 20ml promotes patience for those feeling rushed and impatient. With 400 uses per pack, it's a trusted ingredient in RESCUE Remedy for a calmer approach to life.

    Product Info

    Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens 20ml is a natural herbal remedy meticulously formulated to address feelings of impatience, irritability, and frustration. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach, these remedies are celebrated for their gentle yet effective approach to promoting emotional balance and well-being.

    The key ingredient in Impatiens remedy is derived from the flower extract of the Impatiens plant (Impatiens glandulifera). Impatiens is specifically chosen for its ability to address the emotional state of individuals who may feel restless and eager for things to happen quickly, becoming easily frustrated when things don't go as planned.

    Here are some key benefits of Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens 20ml:

    Calms the Mind: Impatiens helps individuals to calm their restless minds and find inner peace, even in situations that are challenging or unpredictable. It promotes patience and tranquility, allowing individuals to approach life with greater ease and grace.

    Relieves Tension: By addressing feelings of tension and irritability, Impatiens supports individuals in releasing stress and frustration from their bodies and minds. It helps individuals to relax their muscles and let go of pent-up emotions, leading to greater emotional and physical well-being.

    Enhances Flexibility: Impatiens assists individuals in becoming more flexible and adaptable in their approach to life. It helps individuals to embrace uncertainty and change with a sense of openness and curiosity, rather than resistance or impatience.

    Promotes Empathy: Impatiens encourages individuals to cultivate greater empathy and understanding towards others. It helps individuals to recognize that everyone moves at their own pace and has their own unique journey, fostering compassion and tolerance for differences.

    Facilitates Self-Control: Impatiens supports individuals in developing greater self-control and self-discipline. It helps individuals to pause and think before reacting impulsively, enabling them to respond to situations with greater wisdom and maturity.

    Incorporating Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens 20ml into your daily routine can help you to cultivate patience, relieve stress, and approach life with greater calmness and clarity. Embrace the healing power of nature with Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens and take a step towards greater emotional balance and well-being.


    Take this individual essence based on your needs, or create a combination of up to seven essences.

    Place two drops in water and sip at intervals. For combination use, add two drops of each essence (max seven essences) into a mixing bottle containing still spring water, and take four drops four times a day.


    Grape Alcohol (approx. 27% v/v), Flower Extract of Impatiens

    Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens 20ml
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