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Australian Bush Flower Essences Electro Essence 30ml

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Experience relief from fear and distress with Australian Bush Flower Essences Electro Essence. This 30ml bottle helps balance one with the earth's natural rhythms, easing the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Simply take 7 drops under the tongue for easy use.

    Product Info

    The Australian Bush Flower Essences Electro Essence is a unique vibrational remedy designed to support the body's energetic balance and help individuals maintain equilibrium in times of energetic overwhelm or imbalance. This essence blend combines several potent bush flower essences known for their ability to harmonize the body's subtle energy systems and restore balance to the energetic field. Here are the potential benefits of the Australian Bush Flower Essences Electro Essence:

    Balances Energy: The Electro Essence contains a vibrational infusion of Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Fringed Violet, Mulla Mulla, Paw Paw, and Waratah flower essences, which work synergistically to balance the body's energy systems. It helps to harmonize the flow of energy throughout the body, ensuring that all systems are functioning optimally.

    Supports Energetic Resilience: In today's fast-paced world, individuals are often exposed to various stressors and energetic influences that can disrupt their energetic balance. The Electro Essence supports energetic resilience, helping individuals maintain their equilibrium in the face of external challenges and stressors. It strengthens the body's ability to adapt to changing energetic environments and maintain overall well-being.

    Helps Clear Energetic Blockages: Energetic blockages can impede the flow of vital life force energy throughout the body, leading to feelings of stagnation and imbalance. The Electro Essence helps to clear energetic blockages and restore the smooth flow of energy, allowing individuals to experience greater vitality, clarity, and well-being.

    Promotes Grounding and Centering: In times of energetic overwhelm, individuals may feel scattered, ungrounded, or disconnected from themselves and their surroundings. The Electro Essence promotes grounding and centering, helping individuals anchor their energy and reconnect with their inner sense of stability and presence. It fosters a deep sense of rootedness and stability, even in challenging circumstances.

    Enhances Protection: Energetic protection is essential for maintaining overall well-being, particularly in environments where individuals may be exposed to negative or disruptive energies. The Electro Essence enhances energetic protection, creating a shield of subtle energy around the individual to ward off unwanted influences and maintain energetic integrity.

    Supports Emotional Balance: Energetic imbalances can often manifest as emotional disturbances, such as anxiety, stress, or mood swings. The Electro Essence helps restore emotional balance by harmonizing the body's energetic systems and promoting a sense of inner calm and tranquility. It soothes frazzled nerves and promotes emotional resilience, allowing individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

    Facilitates Spiritual Growth: Beyond its physical and emotional benefits, the Electro Essence supports spiritual growth and inner transformation. It deepens one's connection to the subtle realms of existence and facilitates a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. It encourages individuals to embrace their spiritual journey with openness, curiosity, and receptivity.

    Promotes Overall Well-Being: By restoring balance to the body's subtle energy systems, the Electro Essence promotes overall well-being on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It helps individuals experience greater vitality, clarity, and alignment with their true essence, allowing them to live life to the fullest.

    In summary, the Australian Bush Flower Essences Electro Essence offers valuable support for maintaining energetic balance and promoting overall well-being. With its potent blend of flower essences, it provides a natural and holistic approach to harmonizing the body's energy systems, restoring balance, and enhancing vitality and resilience.


    Seven drops under the tongue, morning and night.


    Vibrational Infusion of Bush Flower Essences: Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Fringed Violet, Mulla Mulla, Paw Paw and Waratah + Purified Water + Brandy

    Australian Bush Flower Essences Electro Essence 30ml
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