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Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence 30ml

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Promote healthy self-esteem and confidence with Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence. This 30ml essence helps to resolve negative beliefs and lingering guilt while boosting positive qualities. Feel more comfortable around others and overcome past barriers with confidence.

    Product Info

    The Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence is a unique vibrational remedy designed to instill a sense of confidence, courage, and self-assurance. It harnesses the healing properties of several Australian bush flower essences to support individuals in overcoming feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, and fear. Here are the potential benefits of the Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence:

    Boosts Confidence: The blend of Boab, Dog Rose, Five Corners, Southern Cross, and Sturt Desert Rose flower essences works synergistically to boost self-confidence and self-esteem. These essences are chosen for their ability to instill a sense of inner strength and belief in oneself.

    Courage and Resilience: The Confid Essence helps individuals tap into their inner reserves of courage and resilience, enabling them to face challenges and setbacks with greater determination and fortitude. It encourages a fearless attitude and empowers individuals to step outside their comfort zones.

    Overcomes Fear and Anxiety: Many people struggle with feelings of fear and anxiety, which can hold them back from pursuing their goals and dreams. This essence blend supports individuals in overcoming these limiting emotions, allowing them to move forward with confidence and optimism.

    Emotional Stability: By promoting emotional balance and stability, the Confid Essence helps individuals navigate through life's ups and downs with grace and composure. It provides a sense of inner calm and tranquility, even in the face of adversity.

    Self-Expression and Assertiveness: Feelings of insecurity and self-doubt can often hinder one's ability to express themselves authentically and assertively. This essence blend encourages individuals to speak their truth with confidence and assert their needs and boundaries.

    Empowerment: The essence blend empowers individuals to take control of their lives and pursue their aspirations with passion and enthusiasm. It reminds them of their innate worthiness and potential for success.

    Inner Peace and Serenity: Confident individuals are more likely to experience inner peace and serenity, as they trust in their ability to navigate through life's challenges. The essence blend promotes a sense of inner harmony and contentment, regardless of external circumstances.

    Manifestation and Goal Achievement: With increased confidence comes the ability to manifest one's desires and goals. The Confid Essence helps individuals set intentions with clarity and purpose, enhancing their ability to attract positive outcomes into their lives.

    Energetic Alignment: Based on the principles of vibrational medicine, the essence works on an energetic level to restore balance and alignment to the mind, body, and spirit. It helps to clear energetic blockages that may be inhibiting one's confidence and self-assurance.

    Supports Personal Growth: Ultimately, the Confid Essence supports individuals in their journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It encourages them to embrace their unique gifts and talents, and to step into their fullest potential with confidence and conviction.

    In summary, the Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence offers valuable support for individuals seeking to cultivate greater confidence, courage, and self-assurance in their lives. With its potent blend of flower essences, it provides a holistic approach to enhancing self-esteem and empowering personal growth.


    Seven drops under the tongue, morning and night.


    Vibrational Infusion of Bush Flower Essences: Boab, Dog Rose, Five Corners, Southern Cross and Sturt Desert Rose + Purified Water + Brandy

    Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence 30ml
    Australian Bush Flower Essences Confid Essence 30ml
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