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Aqua Oleum Organic Clary Sage 10ml

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Experience pure euphoria with Aqua Oleum's 100% organic Clary Sage essential oil. Its sweet, nutty-herbal scent blends perfectly with other oils, providing a natural and effective way to relieve stress and menstrual cramps. A must-have for any self-care routine.

    Product Info

    Aqua Oleum's Organic Clary Sage essential oil is derived from the flowering tops and leaves of the Salvia sclarea plant, organically produced in Bulgaria through steam distillation. This pure and natural oil offers a range of therapeutic benefits and aromatic properties, making it a valuable addition to aromatherapy, skincare, and holistic wellness practices.

    Here are some of the key benefits and uses of Aqua Oleum's Organic Clary Sage essential oil:

    Emotional Balance: Clary Sage oil is renowned for its calming and soothing properties, making it an excellent choice for promoting emotional well-being and relaxation. Its sweet, herbaceous aroma has a balancing effect on the mind and emotions, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and nervous tension. Diffusing Clary Sage oil in the home or workplace can create a peaceful atmosphere and promote a sense of tranquility and mental clarity.

    Hormonal Support: Clary Sage oil is often used to support women's health and hormonal balance, particularly during menstruation and menopause. It contains natural phytoestrogens that can help regulate menstrual cycles, ease menstrual cramps and discomfort, and reduce symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Additionally, Clary Sage oil may help alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances when used in aromatherapy or massage.

    Skin Care: Clary Sage oil has astringent and antiseptic properties that make it beneficial for skincare. When diluted in a carrier oil or added to skincare products, it can help regulate sebum production, reduce excess oiliness, and tone the skin. Clary Sage oil is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help soothe irritated skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and dermatitis.

    Muscle Relaxation: Clary Sage oil has mild analgesic and muscle-relaxant properties, making it useful for relieving muscular aches, pains, and tension. Massaging diluted Clary Sage oil into sore or tense muscles can help promote relaxation, reduce stiffness, and ease discomfort. Adding a few drops of Clary Sage oil to a warm bath can also enhance relaxation and alleviate muscle tension after physical exertion.

    Natural Deodorizer: The fresh, herbaceous aroma of Clary Sage oil makes it an effective natural deodorizer and air freshener. Its antimicrobial properties help neutralize odors and purify the air, making it a popular choice for creating homemade room sprays, linen spritzers, or natural cleaning products.

    Aromatherapy Applications: Clary Sage oil blends well with a variety of other essential oils, including lavender, bergamot, geranium, and citrus oils. It can be used in aromatherapy diffusers, inhalers, or massage blends to create custom aromatherapy blends tailored to individual needs and preferences.

    Overall, Aqua Oleum's Organic Clary Sage essential oil offers a multitude of therapeutic benefits for both body and mind. Whether used for emotional support, hormonal balance, skincare, or relaxation, this versatile oil is a valuable addition to any natural health and wellness routine.


    Bath: 5-10 drops. Vaporiser: 3-5 drops. Body and massage: 5 drops/10ml base oil.


    Salvia Sclaria (Bulgaria), organically produced: steam-distilled from the flowering tops and leaves

    Aqua Oleum Organic Clary Sage 10ml
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