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Bio-Strath Strath Original Tablets 100's

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Bio-Strath Strath Original Tablets contain essential nutrients to support sleep, digestion, and the immune system. Suitable for all ages and lifestyles, including children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, students, professionals, athletes, and seniors. Gain the benefits of Strath herbal yeast in just 100 tablets.

    Product Info

    Bio-Strath Original Tablets 100's offer a convenient and efficient way to reap the benefits of plasmolysed herbal yeast, a key ingredient known for its nutritional richness and health-promoting properties. Here are the notable advantages of Bio-Strath Original Tablets:

    Comprehensive Nutritional Support: The plasmolysed herbal yeast in Bio-Strath Original Tablets contains a wide spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients. This comprehensive nutrient profile supports overall health and well-being by addressing various nutritional needs.

    Enhanced Immune Function: The nutrients present in plasmolysed herbal yeast, such as vitamins A, C, and E, as well as zinc and selenium, play crucial roles in supporting immune function. Regular supplementation with Bio-Strath Original Tablets can help strengthen the body's natural defenses and improve resilience against infections.

    Increased Energy Levels: Bio-Strath Original Tablets provide a natural source of energy, thanks to the presence of B vitamins, amino acids, and other bioactive compounds. These nutrients support cellular metabolism and energy production, helping combat fatigue and promote vitality.

    Improved Stress Adaptation: Plasmolysed herbal yeast contains adaptogenic herbs that help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. By modulating the stress response system, Bio-Strath Original Tablets can reduce the negative effects of stress on physical and mental health.

    Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus: The nutrients in Bio-Strath Original Tablets, particularly B vitamins and amino acids, support cognitive function and brain health. Regular intake may help improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration, enhancing overall cognitive performance.

    Support for Digestive Health: While Bio-Strath Original Tablets primarily focus on immune support and energy enhancement, the inclusion of corn starch and bulking agents may also provide some support for digestive health. These ingredients can help maintain regularity and support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

    Convenient and Portable: The tablet form of Bio-Strath Original offers convenience and portability, making it easy to incorporate into daily routines. Whether at home, work, or on the go, individuals can easily take their daily dose of Bio-Strath for consistent health support.

    No Artificial Additives: Bio-Strath Original Tablets are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. They contain natural ingredients derived from plasmolysed herbal yeast and other plant sources, ensuring a clean and wholesome supplement.


    Take two tablets two times daily with water before meals
    Children: Half the dose


    Plasmolysed herbal yeast 83% (yeast, herbs), corn starch, bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose), gelling agents (pectin), anti caking agent (silicon dioxide)

    Suitable for

    Children, Pregnant women, Breastfeeding mothers

    Bio-Strath Strath Original Tablets 100&
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