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Entirely Pure

AquaSol White Ginseng Instant Root 20g

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Experience the full potential of ginseng with AquaSol White Ginseng Instant Root. Our superfine powder ensures effortless dispersion for a fuller, more potent flavor. Maximize the benefits of ginseng in just 20g!

    Product Info

    AquaSol's White Ginseng Instant Root offers a potent herbal infusion with numerous potential health benefits:

    Energy and Stamina: White ginseng is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and support overall energy levels. Consuming white ginseng tea may help increase stamina, reduce fatigue, and enhance physical and mental performance, making it an ideal choice for busy individuals or those seeking natural energy support.

    Immune Support: White ginseng contains bioactive compounds like ginsenosides, polysaccharides, and peptides, which have been shown to modulate the immune system and enhance immune function. Regular consumption of white ginseng tea may help strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of infections, and promote overall health and vitality.

    Cognitive Function: White ginseng has been traditionally used to support cognitive function and improve mental clarity, focus, and memory. The active compounds in white ginseng may help enhance cognitive performance, protect brain cells from damage, and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline, making it a valuable herb for maintaining brain health and sharpness.

    Stress Relief: White ginseng exhibits adaptogenic properties, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain balance in the face of physical, emotional, and environmental stressors. Drinking white ginseng tea may help reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and support overall mental well-being, making it a soothing and calming beverage option.

    Anti-inflammatory Effects: White ginseng contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Regular consumption of white ginseng tea may help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, and inflammatory bowel diseases, and promote overall joint and gut health.

    Antioxidant Protection: White ginseng is rich in antioxidants, including ginsenosides and flavonoids, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and protect cells from oxidative damage. Drinking white ginseng tea regularly may help boost antioxidant levels, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress.

    Cardiovascular Health: White ginseng has been shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health by helping lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and improve blood circulation. Consuming white ginseng tea as part of a balanced diet may help support heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

    Anti-aging Properties: White ginseng is prized for its anti-aging properties, which help maintain youthful vitality and promote longevity. The potent antioxidants in white ginseng tea may help slow down the aging process, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and promote healthy aging from the inside out.

    Overall, AquaSol's White Ginseng Instant Root offers a convenient and effective way to enjoy the numerous health benefits of white ginseng. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, white ginseng tea provides a refreshing and rejuvenating beverage option that supports energy, immunity, cognitive function, stress relief, and overall well-being.


    Add a quarter to a half teaspoon to taste. Stir into hot water or any liquid beverage of your choice


    White Ginseng root. (Panax ginseng C.A Meyer)

    AquaSol White Ginseng Instant Root 20g
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