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Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml

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Developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml is a natural remedy that promotes emotional harmony and peace of mind. With 400 uses per pack, this remedy is perfect for those struggling with repetitive and racing thoughts. Find tranquility and switch off with the positive potential of White Chestnut.

    Product Info

    Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml is a natural herbal remedy aimed at addressing persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental chatter that disrupt inner peace and mental clarity. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach, this remedy is part of the Bach Flower system, which utilizes the healing properties of various flowers to promote emotional well-being and balance.

    Here are the key benefits of Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml:

    Calms the Mind: White Chestnut is specifically chosen for individuals who experience incessant, repetitive thoughts that loop in their minds, leading to mental agitation and restlessness. This remedy helps to calm the mind and quiet the mental chatter, allowing individuals to experience a greater sense of inner peace and tranquility.

    Promotes Mental Clarity: For those who struggle to focus due to a barrage of racing thoughts, White Chestnut promotes mental clarity and concentration. It helps individuals to regain control over their thoughts and attention, allowing them to think more clearly and make decisions with greater ease.

    Facilitates Sleep: White Chestnut is particularly beneficial for individuals who experience insomnia or have difficulty falling asleep due to persistent mental activity. By quieting the mind and reducing mental agitation, this remedy helps individuals to relax and drift into a restful sleep more easily.

    Supports Emotional Balance: By addressing the root cause of mental unrest, White Chestnut supports emotional balance and well-being. It helps individuals to release worries, anxieties, and obsessive thoughts, allowing them to experience greater emotional resilience and stability.

    Non-Habit Forming: Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml is a non-habit forming remedy and does not cause dependency or unwanted side effects. It offers a gentle and natural approach to promoting mental peace and well-being, allowing individuals to regain control over their thoughts and emotions.

    Overall, Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml provides gentle yet profound support for individuals who struggle with persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental agitation. Whether seeking relief from racing thoughts, improved concentration, or better sleep, White Chestnut offers comfort, clarity, and a pathway to greater mental peace and well-being.


    Take this individual essence based on your needs, or create a combination of up to seven essences.

    Place two drops in water and sip at intervals. For combination use, add two drops of each essence (max seven essences) into a mixing bottle containing still spring water, and take four drops four times a day.


    Grape Alcohol (approx. 27% v/v), Flower Extract of White Chestnut

    Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20ml
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