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Entirely Pure

Bach Flower Remedies Walnut 20ml

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Developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, this 20ml bottle of Bach Flower Remedies Walnut features a positive potential of constancy. Ideal for those who struggle with adapting to change, this remedy provides the ability to move forward and make changes with ease. With 400 uses per pack, experience the benefits of constancy in your life.

    Product Info

    Bach Flower Remedies Walnut 20ml is a natural herbal remedy aimed at providing support during times of transition, change, and adjustment. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach, this remedy is part of the Bach Flower system, which utilizes the healing properties of various flowers to promote emotional well-being and balance.

    Here are the key benefits of Bach Flower Remedies Walnut 20ml:

    Supports Adaptation to Change: Walnut is specifically chosen for individuals who are undergoing significant life changes, transitions, or periods of upheaval. This remedy helps to support and facilitate the process of adaptation, allowing individuals to navigate through changes with greater ease and resilience.

    Protects Against Outside Influences: For those who are sensitive to the influence of others or susceptible to external pressures, Walnut provides a protective shield, helping individuals to stay true to themselves and their own path. It offers strength and stability in the face of external challenges and distractions.

    Promotes Inner Strength and Confidence: Walnut helps individuals to tap into their inner strength and confidence as they navigate through periods of change and uncertainty. It encourages them to trust in their own abilities and intuition, empowering them to make decisions that align with their true desires and values.

    Facilitates Letting Go: By addressing feelings of attachment to the past or resistance to change, Walnut facilitates the process of letting go and moving forward. It helps individuals to release old patterns, habits, and beliefs that no longer serve them, allowing for growth, transformation, and new beginnings.

    Non-Habit Forming: Bach Flower Remedies Walnut 20ml is a non-habit forming remedy and does not cause dependency or unwanted side effects. It offers a gentle and natural approach to promoting emotional balance and well-being during times of transition and change.

    Overall, Bach Flower Remedies Walnut 20ml provides gentle yet profound support for individuals who are navigating through periods of change, transition, or transformation. Whether facing a new job, a move to a new city, or a major life decision, Walnut offers comfort, stability, and guidance on the journey towards new beginnings and personal growth.


    Take this individual essence based on your needs, or create a combination of up to seven essences.

    Place two drops in water and sip at intervals. For combination use, add two drops of each essence (max seven essences) into a mixing bottle containing still spring water, and take four drops four times a day.


    Grape Alcohol (approx. 27% v/v), Flower Extract of Walnut.

    Bach Flower Remedies Walnut 20ml
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