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Bach Flower Remedies Set of Original Bach Flower Remedies 38 x 20ml in Wallet Leather

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Discover the natural healing powers of Bach Flower Remedies with this beautiful set of 38 essences. The soft, durable faux-leather wallet holds 20ml essences in individual elastic bands, perfect for on-the-go relief. Trusted for 80 years, always have the right remedy at hand.

    Product Info

    The Set of Original Bach Flower Remedies 38 x 20ml in Wallet Leather offers a comprehensive collection of natural remedies aimed at promoting emotional well-being and balance. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach, these remedies are part of the Bach Flower system, which utilizes the healing properties of various flowers to address a wide range of emotional states and challenges.

    Here are the key benefits of the Set of Original Bach Flower Remedies 38 x 20ml in Wallet Leather:

    Comprehensive Emotional Support: This set includes all 38 Bach Flower Remedies, each carefully selected to address specific emotional states and challenges. From fear and anxiety to indecision and self-doubt, these remedies offer comprehensive support for a wide range of emotional issues.

    Promotes Emotional Balance: By addressing underlying emotional imbalances, Bach Flower Remedies help to promote emotional balance and well-being. They gently and effectively support individuals in processing and releasing negative emotions, fostering greater inner peace, resilience, and clarity.

    Natural and Gentle: Bach Flower Remedies are made from natural ingredients and are safe for people of all ages, including children and pets. They provide a gentle and non-invasive approach to promoting emotional health, without the risk of dependency or unwanted side effects.

    Convenient and Portable: The set comes in a stylish wallet leather case, making it convenient and portable. Whether at home, work, or on the go, individuals can easily access their remedies whenever they need them, allowing for consistent and timely emotional support.

    Customizable: With 38 different remedies to choose from, individuals can customize their treatment plan to address their specific emotional needs. Whether using a single remedy or combining several, the set offers flexibility and versatility in promoting emotional well-being.

    Overall, the Set of Original Bach Flower Remedies 38 x 20ml in Wallet Leather provides a comprehensive and convenient solution for supporting emotional health and balance. Whether seeking relief from specific emotional issues or simply aiming to enhance overall well-being, this set offers a gentle and effective approach to achieving emotional harmony and resilience.


    Take an individual essence based on your needs, or create a combination of up to seven essences.

    Place two drops in water and sip at intervals. For combination use, add two drops of each essence (max seven essences) into a mixing bottle containing still spring water, and take four drops four times a day.


    All 38 essences in 20ml format, plus 2x RESCUE® Remedy 10ml bottles and 1x Bach™ Original Flower Remedy mixing bottle. Grape alcohol (approx. 27% v/v), flower extracts

    Bach Flower Remedies Set of Original Bach Flower Remedies 38 x 20ml in Wallet Leather
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